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65 ton Air Operated Axle Jack

65 ton Air Operated Axle Jack

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65ton Axle Jack with Handle  increase offers great reach under body and enables easy and safe operation. Can be activated by nitrogen from the nitrogen card, aircraft wheel or compressed air supply. Fitted with extension screw 80mm for optimum use of stroke. Safety features include manual lowering valve, safety overload valve and dead mans release.

Alt. P/N: 50P9AR 8915 65P10 RT4550 RT6050 COM-5928 8842 65P10AR 832R 9440-010 DPAX045TA00 RT4550-0001 RH0816 50P9AR TMHCP07-00-00 RT4550 65P10AR 2265-10 J-AXLE60A STD-1485 COM-1485 RC4509B1A0A10 Model 8919 RT4550-001 TMHCP07-00-00 RC4509 5007-56FT COM-1486 5007-56FT 6510-56FT 7193-010 9332-011 9349-010 9510-56FT CP07-00-00 CP070000 1697.50 MODEL 8782 D32AXJ00015G01 COM-1488 RA6007 RA7704-002 RA9003 RC4509K5A0A03 RC35132A0A03 RC5541B2A0A03 MODEL8714 RC6008-001 RC4509 1387.50 1387.00 1063.50 871400 871420 150D1100 TMH CR01-40-00 TMHCR01-40-00 SGL5001 882100-9 RA450831A0A010 660S 138220 TMHC07 GSE128 GSE-128 TMH-AJ45 TMHAJ45 AJ45 TMH-AJ60 TMHAJ60 AJ60 TMH-AJ90 TMHAJ90 AJ90 TMH-CR05  TMHCR05 CR05 2150-8.5 83200R-1 AX-45T1NP