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Repair and Calibration
Light Weight Aircraft Water Disinfection Cart (1% - 6% Mix)

Light Weight Aircraft Water Disinfection Cart (1% - 6% Mix)

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This water servicing cart is a light weight version of our trailer based water sterilization carts. The chemical dosing system allows to set the mixing dose to between 1-6%. 

The Injector is manual operated by valves, which will either offer mixing of cleaning agent with fresh water or only flushing a system with clean water. The outlet hose is 5m long and includes water coupling V0031J12-119 that enables easy connection to aircraft water inlet. The inlet is mounted with V1022- 012A00 Water Nipple.

ALT. PN: 10M-8050 30M-8050 9001-000002 810.001.01 9001-000001 10973 110100 COM-15014 810.001.03 COM-15015 GSB1214001 GSB1214002 GSB1214003 GSE-042 GSE042