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Technical Solutions
Repair and Calibration
200KG Brake Lifting Crane Arm for SCA500KG

200KG Brake Lifting Crane Arm for SCA500KG

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 The Crane Arm (SCA-WTK) is mounted on wheel and brake dolly SCA500KG and can support mechanics to lift brakes from the ground during maintenance tasks.The Crane arm has 180Deg. Swivel Mount, which enables easy positioning of the brake assembly during installation/removal. 

Alt. P/N 175M COM-1818 BC-400 BC-500 MH12-005 F27220000 1324A STC90474-101 ATB18-19 5-TD20C F27871000-1 F27871000 U21895000-2 U21895200 U21895200-1 U21895200-2 2558759 114-1438 15F3702 6007000RAL7040 6007000 SG62-001 OMCAA 227BR OMCAA227BR 1324A F27220000 Q21983 TMHRD54-10-00 TMH-RD54-10-00 RD54-10-00